There is a New Sun City Text Club!

If you are on this page you were invited to be part of the Sun City Text Club because you have been to
Sun City Tanning and Swimwear at 8233 North Oak Trafficway In Kansas City Missouri
and provided us with your Phone number.

There is a New Sun City Text Club!Follow The Instructions Below to Join!

If for some reason you have never been to Sun City and your number was acquired from someone
that used to do business with Sun City Tanning and Swimwear and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We ask you please respond with Cancel and you will be opted out of this
club and stop all future texts. If you do not cancel you will continue receive awesome deals from Sun City!

Sun City wants you to be aware of the best deals going for Tanning, Sunless Tanning, Massage
as well as Swimwear and other products. You can be a part of all promotional texts or we urge you
to join to get the best deals and updates!

Please Join The NEW TEXT CLUB!!!

To Join Text the message

to the number


Then Answer Yes to the Text you Receive!

Everyone Should Sign up for The Sun City Text Club For the best deals and Hour Updates